
42 License: MIT Version


“What I cannot create, I do not understand”. ~ Richard Feynmann

WORK IN PROGRESS. Code can be shown upon request.

This is a team project for the 42 school. The goal is to create a simple HTTP 1.1 web server that can handle multiple connections using multiplexing. The server will be able to serve static files, handle different HTTP methods, and support CGI scripts. The project is written in C++ and uses the UNIX socket API for network communication.

We are a team of 3 students and we split the work in what we think are the 3 main parts.


./webserv [configuration file]

I found the project very interesting and I learned a lot about networking, sockets, and the HTTP protocol. I also learned a lot about the C++ standard library and how to use it to write efficient and clean code.
The CGI part was a bit challenging at first, since I did not have much experience with it, and considering that the cgi module is deprecated in the last Python version, it felt a bit esoteric to say the least. But through reading the RFC and researching a bit on the internet I was able to understand it and implement it. Still the Nginx server doesnt implement CGI (it does implement fastcgi) so it is not a very common feature in modern web servers at all. And for completeness the Nginx server was not easy to configure for a upload file feature from the configuration file. Same for caddy. Caddy would need some plugins to do that. The only server I could take example from, and test the upload feature was Apache. We still used the nginx syntax for our configuration file.

Where it all started - The HTTP protocol and UNIX sockets

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) was invented by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) in 1989. The first version of HTTP, HTTP/0.9, was a simple protocol for transferring raw data across the internet. The more widely recognized version, HTTP/1.0, was specified in 1996, followed by HTTP/1.1 in 1997, which introduced persistent connections and other improvements. Today we have HTTP/2 and HTTP/3, but our server will need to handle HTTP/1.1 only.


RFC stands for “Request for Comments.”
It is a type of publication from the engineering and standards organizations for the internet, such as the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the Internet Society (ISOC). RFCs are used to describe methods, behaviors, research, or innovations applicable to the working of the internet and internet-connected systems.

For this project, we will refer to the following RFCs:

Because not everything is still relevant for us in the rfc2616, we summarized the most important parts. You can read a summary of the rfc2616 here rfc2616-summary.md.
And a summary of the rfc791 is here rfc793-summary.md. The rfc3875 is not very long and we used it as reference for the CGI part of the project.

Allowed functions for this project

See the allowed_functions.md file here: allowed_functions.md

Configuration files

A server configuration file is a file used to define the settings and parameters for a server’s operation. These files are essential for customizing the behavior of the server, specifying how it handles requests, manages resources, and interacts with other systems. Configuration files are typically written in a plain text format and can be edited using any text editor.

As per subject requirements in the configuration file, our server should be able to:

See here for more about configuration files.

For our project we decided to implement a syntax similar to the NGINX configuration file.


This is one of the key topic of this project for 42. As per subject requirements:

You must never do a read or a write operation without going through poll() or select() first. The core of the project is to handle multiplexing. It allows multiple connections to share the same network resources efficiently. In the context of web servers, multiplexing is used to handle multiple client connections without simultaneously without blocking or slowing down the server. We are not allowed to use multithreading except for the CGI server.

This is the main function simplified:

while (true) {
    int status = poll(&pollfds[0], (nfds_t)pollfds.size(), POLLTIMEOUT);
	if (status == -1) {
	} else if (status == 0) {
		[... timeout ...]; continue;
	} else {
		[ ... loop on the fds and handle the events ]

where pollfds is a vector of pollfd structures. The poll() function will wait for events on multiple file descriptors. When an event occurs, poll() will return, and we can check which file descriptor triggered the event. We can then read or write data on that file descriptor as needed. If there are no new connections the poll() function will block to save resources and return 0 after the timeout. If there are new connections the poll() function will return and we can handle the events.

The tcp/ip sockets

Sockets are a method of IPC that allow data to be exchanged between applications, either on the same host (computer) or on different hosts connected by a network. The first widespread implementation of the sockets API appeared with 4.2BSD in 1983, and this API has been ported to virtually every UNIX implementation, as well as most other operating systems. - Kerrisk, Michael. The Linux Programming Interface (p. 1136). No Starch Press. Kindle Edition.

During this project I read a lot from this book which I recommend.

From the configuration we have a list of ports and the server will create a tcp/ip socket for each port. We will then bind the socket to the port and start listening for incoming connections.

We will use the poll() function to monitor multiple file descriptors for events. The poll() function is part of the POSIX standard and is used to wait for events on multiple file descriptors. It is similar to the select() function.

The poll() function takes an array of pollfd structures, each of which represents a file descriptor to monitor and the events to watch for.

The pollfd structure has the following members:

We create an array of pollfd structures to hold the server sockets. We are going to loop on those server sockets and set the events we want to monitor to POLLIN. We then call poll() to wait for events on the server sockets. When an event occurs, we check which socket triggered the event and accepting the connection will generate a new file descriptor, which we then add to the pollfd array. The client requests will arrive on this new file descriptor.

Handling requests

When a client sends a first request to the server, the server will receive the request on one of the server sockets, generate a new fd and add it to the pollfds. The server will then read the request from that file descriptor, parse it, and generate a response. The response will be sent back to the client using the same file descriptor. The important thing to not here is that we are going to read in a non blocking way. We will read a buffer size of bytes and then go back to poll() to check if there is more data to read. This way we will not block and give each connection a fair share of the server resources.


CGI stands for Common Gateway Interface. It is a standard protocol used to enable web servers to execute external programs, typically scripts, and generate dynamic content for web pages. CGI scripts can be written in various programming languages, including Perl, Python, and C/C++.

Key Points about CGI:

For example:
A user submits a form on a web page.
The web server receives the form data and passes it to a CGI script.
The CGI script processes the data (e.g., querying a database).
The script generates an HTML response based on the processed data.
The web server sends the HTML response back to the user’s browser.

Here is a simple example of a CGI script written in python that outputs “Hello, World!”:


print("Content-Type: text/html")
print("content-length: 48")
print("<h1>Hello, World!</h1>")

To use this script, you would place it in the CGI directory of your web server (often cgi-bin), and configure the server to execute it when accessed via a specific URL. Interestingly the script above has 3 details that often are overlooked. 1 - The first line is a shebang line that tells the operating system which interpreter to use to run the script. So the script is an executable.
2 - The Content-Type header is set to text/html, which tells the browser how to interpret the response. But more importantly, the first header is missing, the HTTP version and the status code. The server will add it automatically. But how does the server know which status code to add? The server will add a 200 OK status code if the script exits with a 0 status code. If the script exits with a non-zero status code, the server will add a 500 Internal Server Error status code.
3 - The script must output a blank line after the headers to indicate the end of the headers and the beginning of the response body.

If the shebang path is not correct, the server will return a 500 error. If the content length is not present the server might try to chunk the response (better) or return BUFFER_SIZE and truncate it (less ideal but depends of the project requirements).


See the testing.md file here: testing.md and also how we use siege here siege.md

Some Definitions

More definitions are here: definitions.md

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application-level protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. HTTP has been in use by the World-Wide Web global information initiative since 1990. Here is the HttP1.1 standard:

A classic, “Beej’s Guide to Network Programming” by Brian “Beej” Hall:

Sometimes useful, the comprehensive reference for C++ standard library.

Open Source Projects for inspiration:
The source code of existing open-source web servers like NGINX and Apache HTTP Server.

Caddy, a modern web server with automatic HTTPS.

tcp/ip rfc

zeroSSL, the easiest way to issue free SSL certificates.

what are we building? “Linus did it in 5 days, see where you can git” https://youtube.com/shorts/_lZV76JO3WU?si=GyMXzBFrhj3ws_oX

mozilla developer network

blog post :

RFC 793 about TCP:

This readme is also available in the docs folder which is rendered as a GitHub Pages static site.
It is failry easy to set up and can be used to document the project.
Here is a small walkthrouh on how to set it up:

files and sockets: https://youtu.be/il4N6KjVQ-s?si=g6yGCTs1_IRZu9jm

a nice 404 page

check this for doxigen graphs

CGI on nginx! https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11667489/how-to-run-cgi-scripts-on-nginx https://www.server-world.info/en/note?os=Ubuntu_20.04&p=nginx&f=6

some git tips:


Webserv Testers -Intra Tester

HTTP/1.1 vs HTTP/2 vs HTTP/3

Here is a good blog site that explains sockets and network programming in C: