
Allowed functions

Here at 42 we are allowed to use the following functions for this project:

Everything in C++ 98. execve, dup, dup2, pipe, strerror, gai_strerror, errno, dup, dup2, fork, socketpair, htons, htonl, ntohs, ntohl, select, poll, epoll (epoll_create, epoll_ctl, epoll_wait), kqueue (kqueue, kevent),

Function Description
execve() Executes a program specified by a filename.
dup() Duplicates an open file descriptor.
dup2() Duplicates an open file descriptor to a specified file descriptor.
pipe() Creates a pipe, a unidirectional data channel.
strerror() Returns a string describing the error code passed in the argument.
gai_strerror() Returns a string describing an error code returned by the getaddrinfo() function.
errno Contains the error code of the last failed function call.
fork() Creates a new process by duplicating the calling process.
socketpair() Creates a pair of connected sockets.
htons() Converts a 16-bit host byte order to network byte order.
htonl() Converts a 32-bit host byte order to network byte order.
ntohs() Converts a 16-bit network byte order to host byte order.
ntohl() Converts a 32-bit network byte order to host byte order.
select() Monitors multiple file descriptors, waiting until one or more of the file descriptors become “ready” for some class of I/O operation.
poll() Polls multiple file descriptors to see if I/O is possible on any of them.
epoll() A scalable I/O event notification interface.
epoll_create() Creates an epoll instance.
epoll_ctl() Controls an epoll instance.
epoll_wait() Waits for events on an epoll instance.
kqueue() A scalable event notification interface.
kevent() Controls the kernel event queue.
socket() Creates an endpoint for communication and returns a file descriptor.
accept() Accepts a new incoming connection on a socket.
listen() Listens for incoming connections on a socket.
send() Sends a message on a socket.
recv() Receives a message from a socket.
chdir() Changes the current working directory.
bind() Binds a socket to an address.
connect() Initiates a connection on a socket.
getaddrinfo() Resolves the domain name into a set of socket addresses.
freeaddrinfo() Frees the memory allocated for the linked list of addrinfo structures.
setsockopt() Sets the socket options.
getsockname() Returns the local address of the socket.
getprotobyname() Returns a pointer to a structure containing the information about the protocol.
fcntl() Performs various operations on file descriptors.
close() Closes a file descriptor.
read() Reads data from a file descriptor.
write() Writes data to a file descriptor.
waitpid() Waits for a specific child process to terminate.
kill() Sends a signal to a process.
signal() Sets a function to handle a signal.
access() Checks the real user’s permissions for the file.
stat() Returns information about a file.
open() Opens a file.
opendir() Opens a directory.
readdir() Reads a directory.
closedir() Closes a directory.

Some error codes to handle: 400,403,404,405,413,431,408 for timeout