After a few days of research, I have come up with a grammar for the minishell project.
list -> pipeline (";" | "&" | "&&" | "||") pipeline)* [";"] | ["&"] ["\n"]
| "(" list ")";
pipeline -> command (("|" | "|&" | ";" | "&&" | "||" )command)* ;
| "(" list ")";
command -> simple_command
| builtin
| redirection
| [time [-p]] [!] expression
| "(" list ")";
simple_command -> name (args)* ;
builtin -> name (args)* ;
redirection -> expression ( "<" | ">" | ">>" | "2>" | "&> | &>> | 2>> | <> | >|") expression;
DLESS -> expression "<<" delimiter newline content delimiter;
delimiter -> STRING;
flags -> FLAGS;
The operators “&&” and “ | ” shall have equal precedence and shall be evaluated with left associativity. For example, both of the following commands write solely bar to standard output: |
false && echo foo | echo bar // false && echo foo is false so echo bar is executed | |||
true | echo foo && echo bar // true | echo foo is true so echo bar is executed |
For this subject:
: Redirects standard input from a file.
: Redirects standard output to a file, overwriting the file if it exists.
: Redirects standard output to a file, appending to the file if it exists.
: Here Document
There are a few more redirection operators that you might encounter but we will not need to implement them:
: Redirects standard error to a file, overwriting the file if it exists.
: Redirects both standard output and standard error to a file, overwriting
the file if it exists.
: Redirects standard error to a file, appending to the file if it exists.
: Opens a file for both reading and writing.
: Redirects standard output to a file, overwriting the file even if
the noclobber option has been set in the shell.
: Redirects both standard output and standard error to a file,
appending to the file if it exists.
we will implement a parser method called “recursive descent,” which is a top-down parser.
In bash, a delimiter is a character or a set of characters that separates different parts of the command line. The delimiters you’ve listed are a good start, but bash has a few more. Here’s an expanded list:
Space (‘ ‘) Tab (‘\t’) Newline (‘\n’) Semicolon (‘;’) Pipe (‘|’) Ampersand (‘&’) Less than (‘<’) Greater than (‘>’) Open parenthesis (‘(‘) Close parenthesis (‘)’) Open curly brace (‘{‘) Close curly brace (‘}’) Open square bracket (‘[’) Close square bracket (‘]’) Dollar sign (‘$’) Backtick (‘’`) Double quote (‘”’) Single quote (‘'’) Backslash (‘\’) Equals (‘=’) Plus (‘+’) Minus (‘-‘) Asterisk (‘*’) Slash (‘/’) Comma (‘,’) Exclamation mark (‘!’) Tilde (‘~’) Caret (‘^’) Percent (‘%’)
they have specific meanings:
{}: Curly braces are used in bash for variable expansion (${variable}), brace expansion ({1..10}), and to define blocks of code (like in if statements and functions).
[]: Square brackets are used in bash for array indexing (array[0]), and to test conditions ([ $a -lt 10 ] or [[ $a -lt 10 ]]).
Here are some examples:
Variable expansion: echo ${variable} Brace expansion: echo {1..10}
./myscript arg1 arg2 arg3
Then inside myscript, $# will be 3, because three arguments were passed to the script.
The ^ symbol in bash has a few different uses:
The <> operator in bash is used for opening a file in read-write mode. Here’s an example:
command <> file
This command will run command, with file opened in read-write mode on standard input.
command 1»file 2>&1
This command will run command, and append both the stdout and stderr to file. Bash 4 and later shortened to command &»file
{} and [] in bash scripts have specific meanings:
if [ $a -lt 10 ]then echo "a is less than 10"fi
No, the symbols ;;, ;&, and ;;& cannot be at the beginning of a command line in bash. These symbols are used in the context of a case statement in bash scripting:
## Control Operators
A control operator in bash is one of those ‘||’, ‘&&’, ‘&’, ‘;’, ‘;;’, ‘;&’, ‘;;&’, ‘|’, ‘|&’, ‘(’, or ‘)’
these control operators do have precedence and associativity rules, similar to operators in programming languages. Here's a rough breakdown:
1. && and || have the same precedence and are left-associative. They allow you to execute a command based on the success (&&) or failure (||) of the previous command.
2. ; and & have the same precedence, which is lower than && and ||. They allow you to separate commands (;) or run a command in the background (&).
3. | and |& have higher precedence than &&, ||, ;, and &. They allow you to create pipelines, where the output of one command is used as the input of the next command (|), or where both the output and error output of one command are used as the input of the next command (|&).
4. ( and ) can be used to group commands, which can override the default precedence rules.
5. ;;, ;&, and ;;& are used in the context of a case statement to separate different cases.
## Wildcards
For wildcard expansion, you would typically use the glob function, as I mentioned in the previous response. Here's how you can modify your code to expand wildcards in the input:
For example, if a user types ls *.txt, the shell should expand the *.txt wildcard to a list of all .txt files in the current directory.
// …
char *input; input = readline(“ splash 💦 > “); while (input != NULL) { add_input_to_history(input);
glob_t glob_result;
memset(&glob_result, 0, sizeof(glob_result));
// Expand wildcards in the input
if (glob(input, GLOB_TILDE, NULL, &glob_result) == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < glob_result.gl_pathc; ++i) {
// Replace the input line with the expanded wildcard
rl_replace_line(glob_result.gl_pathv[i], 0);
// Redraw the input line
} else {
ft_printf("You entered: %s\n", input);
input = readline(" splash 💦 > "); }
free(input); ```