

Colors in the prompt

It turned out that having colors in the prompt is a bad idea because due to the ansi excape codes the shell can’t calculate the length of the prompt correctly. This leads to the cursor being in the wrong place when you press the arrow keys in some extra long commands or when copying and pasting.

We had this problem in the minishell. Since we changed the prompt at the end of the project, we did not expect that this would break things or have unexxpected consequenses. But it did. We had some tests failing and we had no idea why.

We discussed it with our peers and found out that the bash would have the same behaviour.
Our readline prompt:

data->input = readline("\033[44m\033[97m splash 💦 \033[0m\033[44m\033[97m>\033[0m ");

which looks like this:


we can let bash do the same thing with the following command:

PS1="\033[44m\033[97m splash 💦 \033[0m\033[44m\033[97m>\033[0m "

and it would also have the same behaviour. There are some functions that we are not allowed to use for this project that would fix the problem. But for now we will just make the prompt go over two lines. Since the terminal gui is getting confused by the ansi escape codes and prompt length, we will just make the prompt go over two lines. This way the bottom prompt will not have colors and be unaffected.

data->input = readline("\033[44m\033[97m splash 💦 \033[0m\033[44m\033[97m\033[0m\n>");

Now it looks like this:


Bash ambiguous redirect

This is not a feature but in bash when you do this:

bash: A="one two"
bash: B="three four"
bash: echo hi>$A""''""$B
# you get:
bash: $A""''""$B: ambiguous redirect

In our minishell we actually create a file called “one twothree four” and write “hi” to it.

export A="one two"
export B="three four"
echo hi>$A""''""$B

This is good :) The reason for the bash behaviour is that it gives meaning to empty strings like "" and ''. We do not need to do it and out behaviour is expected.


echo "Hello, 
World!" | cat -e
# use ctrl-v and ctrl-j to get the newline
# should print the lines with a $ at the end


| | |

history of shells

It also good to know a bit of history ad how the shells have evolved. See this page for some extra facts about the evolution of different shells. https://www.in-ulm.de/~mascheck/bourne/

look into your executables

So you compiled your minishell with makes. You have like 150 files into one, how to check if you used onluy nonn foridden functions?

nm -u ./minishell

# this is the output

The -u specifically looks for the functions which are included, so functions we get from c libraries and not the ones we created ourselves.

To know more about a specific function and where it is used you can use the following command:

grep -InR ioctl

The flags for grep in case you are curious are: -I is an option that tells grep to ignore binary files. -n is an option that tells grep to display line numbers along with the matching lines. -R is an option that tells grep to search recursively in directories and subdirectories.

And since we are allowed to use one global variable only and for the signals only… of course our evaluator looks for it in in the repo with a simple command and why not use some color!

grep --color -InR '\<g_'

The signals

in the minishell signals are implemented in three places. In the readline main loop where SIGINT will just redisplay the prompt and SIGQUIT will do nothing. In the blocking child processes where SIGINT will kill the child and SIGQUIT will print the exit status of the child.

file descriptors

In valgrind there is a flag to check the open file descriptors. This is useful to check if you are closing all the file descriptors you open. Also they usually dont add up like memory leaks but still in a process we can open only 1000 of them. It is a good thing to double check the usage on exit. We use valgrind (on Linux only) to check for file descriptors. The flag is --track-fds=yes.

valgrind --track-fds=yes ./minishell

but since the readline has so many errors due to “unreachable” memory we managed a different incantation:

echo $'echo hi\nexit' | valgrind --track-fds=yes ./minishell

Bash interprets echo $'echo hi\nexit' as a 2 liner. So effectively sending echo hi and exit to our minishell. And valgrind will check after exiting how many file descriptors are open.

quotes expansion

This should just do ls -l:

"/bin/ls" "-l"''""''""

and so on, these are just ls:


This will give $$/bin/ls: No such file or directory


but this will work:


Other tests:

echo '$USER'
# prints $USER
echo "$USER"
# prints the username

echo h^C
# redisplays the prompt
echo 'hey ' / cat -e
# checks for maintaining spaces in the single quotes

the env builtin

In the subject it says we need to implement the env builtin. In bash env is a program. So this makes sure we are not just executing the program env but also implementing the builtin.

env -i 
# prints too many args
/bin/env -i
# prints nothing

export builtin

the identifiers can start with _ or a letter and can contain _ or a letter or a digit.

export _A='"what"'
export A_A='"'
echo $A_A # prints "
export $42=42 # prints not a valid identifier

# in bash do export A="ae\"aeghoue" then 
echo $A

export export
export export=
echo $export
export export=a
echo $export
echo e=export
# export command not found
export l=ls
echo $l
# prints the result of ls
export a=echo
# prints echo
which echo
export k=cd
#cd command not found
export ^C=hi # ^C is not a valid identifier but to get ^C you need to press ctrl+v ctrl+c

unset builtin

unset a
unset wehtuogeth
unset -
unset [^[^
#syntax error
unset ^C 
unset unset unset
echo $? #should be 0
unset e la  la #EXPORT

pwd builtin

echo $PWD
cd ..
cd .. ^C
echo $PWD
cd -
echo $PWD
cd ../../.././/.././../..////
# shd be root
cd bin
echo $PWD

back to the shell directory

mkdir tmp
cd tmp
mkdir -p a/b 
cd a/b
ls -al
rm -rf ../../a
pwd # will get confused and not print anything
cd ..
pwd # should print the path again

.././././././.././././../. export A="../"^C
#syntax error
# should print the content of the bin directory
# should print the content of the bin directory

Create random commands

There is the option in bash to create repeated letters with alt + 9. (Linux) also playing with CTRL + V and CTRL + C can give you some interesting results.

Verify the left to right order in path

In home dir create the tmp dir and in it create a file called grep and make it executable with the #!/bin/bash as the first line and chmod +x grep then run the following command

export PATH="$HOME/tmp:$PATH"
echo $PATH
cat $HOME/grep
# echo PWNED

so when you run grep it should print PWNED. This shows that the order of the path is from left to right. Otherwise it woud have executed the grep command.


echo hi
echo hi > ho
cat ho
cat < ho
cat < ho >> ha
cat ha
nl ha > no


<<1 # ending with CTRL + D


# then type CTRL + D 4 times
<<1≤<2<<3<<4 | <<5<<6<<7<<8
# then type CTRL + D 8 times
<bla <<1≤<2<<3<<4 | <<5<<6<<7<<8
#syntax error
# the type $HOME , a, and check the expansion
# when typing \$HOME the expansion doesnt happen
# should work end with a
#to end type $a

Tricky one: In Bash the heredoc are processed before anything else but still when using the && and || the variables are updated… This would work in case of the bonus being available

export NO=YES && cat << haha
# in the heredoc type $NO and verify it is yes

bonus && and ||

export A=B && echo $A
# should print B
echo hi && echo ho
# should print hi and ho
echo hi || echo ho
# should print hi
echo hi && echo one && echo two && echo three
# should print hi one two three
echo hi && echo one && echo two && echo three || echo fail
# should print hi one two three
echo hi && echo one && echo t^C && echo three l| echo fail

false && echo one && echo two && echo three || echo fail || echo not this one && echo but this one
# should print fail but this one
false && echo one && echo two && echo three Il echo fail || echo not this one && echo but this ONE && false || hey || ho
# should print fail but this ONE and command not found hey
(((true|false) | false| true))
echo $?
(echo hi) > hi
cat hi

This would not work in bash because the parentheses are used for function blocks and not for subshells. But in our minishell it should work.

>what (echo hi)
cat what
# should print hi

in bash

echo bla ›(rev)
#prints bla /dev/fd/12

The command echo bla >(rev) is using a feature called process substitution. It allows a process’s input or output to be referred to using a filename. It’s a way to use the output of a command as if it were a file. the shell starts the rev command and replaces >(rev) with a path to a file descriptor that is connected to the input of rev. This file descriptor is typically something like /dev/fd/12, which represents a temporary file descriptor that the shell has set up to capture the output.

bonus parentheses

(echo hi) > hi | (sleep 1 && cat hi | nl)
# should print hi

go crazy

dev/urandom| head -1alse && echo one && echo two && echo three || echo fail || echo not this one && echo but this ONE && false || hey || ho)|(((nl)))))))|x|x|x|x|echo hi | cat\
(((((false && echo one && echo two && echo three || echo fail || echo not this one && echo but this ONE && false || hey || ho) | (((nl)))))))|x|x|x|x|echo hi|cat /dev/urandom | head -l


Ok this took me a moment to understand lol, but it worked!

echo *
# should print all the files in the directory
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
touch cat
touch hi
cat hi
echo hi > hi
# should print hi

And this works too

echo *
# should print echo hi
# should print hi again

But creating a >'$BLA' file would not be expanded in our shell. In bash it would be expanded to the content of the file creating hi laurent if $BLA content was laurent but for some reason we dont expand anymore after globbing since globbing is handled as expansion. Anyway!