
42 License: MIT Version

The code is on GitHub: 42-minishell

Project: 42-minishell

“The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected.” (The UNIX Programmer’s Manual, 2nd Edition, June, 1972.)

This team project is about creating a simple shell.

We will be inspired by Bash. Bash is an acronym for ‘Bourne-Again SHell’.
Therefore, we gave our shell the name “splash”, acronym for “SimPLy A SHell”.
Here is a screenshot of our splash shell in action:


What is a Shell?

A shell is a program that acts as an interface between the user and the operating system. A shell allows the user to interact with the operating system by accepting commands entered by the user from the keyboard, verifying if the inputs from the user are correct and executing them through the core operating system. Generally, a shell is a user interface that allows us to use computer resources such as memory and system functions, without having to manage all of the needed system interactions manually.

The bash manual describes a shell as follows:

What We Learned

The project lies at the intersection of C programming and system programming. Even a functionally significantly reduced shell such as ours requires the implementation of many submodules that combine and act together in myriad ways based on the specific user commands provided. To make this work we not only had to dive deep into C and linux system programming but also learned about and employed a range of other things:

Some more Definitions from the Bash Manual and POSIX Shell Manuals

Shell Syntax (from the BASH manual)

When the shell reads input, it proceeds through a sequence of operations. If the input indicates the beginning of a comment, the shell ignores the comment symbol (‘#’), unless it is part of a quote (“” or ‘’), and the rest of that line.

Otherwise, roughly speaking, the shell reads its input and divides the input into words and operators, employing quoting rules to select which meanings to assign various words and characters.

The shell then parses these tokens into commands and other constructs, removes the special meaning of certain words or characters, expands others, redirects input and output as needed, executes the specified command, waits for the command’s exit status, and makes that exit status available for further inspection or processing.

The Subject of the Assignment

We have restrictions in what we are allowed to use, summarized here: subject and allowed functions.


A well defined architecture is a better experience for team work, but it doesnt come free, takes work and modularity is key. But when modularity doesn’t end up being helpful, it quickly becomes actively harmful and it spirals out of control.


A part of creating a good architecture is decoupling. Decoupling is the process of separating the different parts of a system so that they are not dependent on each other. This makes the system more flexible and easier to maintain. Our minishell is divided into a few main parts:

Basic Architecture of our Shell

  1. Overarching loop for repeated and single command execution. We start by implementing a loop that reads the user input with the readline() function. The readline function is part of the part of the GNU Readline library and offers other functions like rl_clear_history, rl_on_new_line, rl_replace_line, rl_redisplay,add_history that we are allowed to use in our project.
  2. Scanner: The first step is scanning, also known as lexing, or (if you’re trying to impress someone) lexical analysis. A scanner (or lexer) takes in the linear stream of characters and chunks them together into a series of something more akin to “words”. In programming languages, each of these words is called a token. Some tokens are single characters, like ‘(‘ and ‘,’. Others may be several characters long, like numbers ( 123 ), string literals ( “hi!” ), and identifiers ( min ).
  3. Parser: The next step is parsing. This is where our syntax gets a grammar—the ability to compose larger expressions and statements out of smaller parts. Before building a tree, any heredocs that are found in the tokenlist are interpreted and set up. Then the parser takes the flat sequence of tokens and builds a tree structure that mirrors the nested nature of the grammar. In order to evaluate an arithmetic node, you need to know the numeric values of its subtrees, so you have to evaluate those first. That means working your way from the leaves up to the root—a post-order traversal. If I gave you an arithmetic expression, you could draw one of these trees pretty easily. These trees have a couple of different names—“parse tree” or “abstract syntax tree”. In practice, language hackers usually call them “syntax trees”, “ASTs”, or often just “trees”. Everything up to this point is considered the front end of the implementation.
  4. Tree-walk interpreter: To run the program, the interpreter traverses the syntax tree one branch and leaf at a time, evaluating each node as it goes.
  5. Before commands (system or builtin) are executed redirections (including for heredocs) are set up.
  6. Commands are executed either by calling system commands or any of the custom builtins described above.

Grammar as Foundation

The syntax of a programming language is defined by a grammar. The syntax of a programming language is a precise description of all its grammatically correct programs. Noam Chomsky defined four categories of grammars: regular, context-free, context- sensitive, and unrestricted.

Inspiration: Context Free Grammar (CFG).

A formal grammar takes a set of atomic pieces it calls its “alphabet”. Then it defines a (usually infinite) set of “strings” that are “in” the grammar. Each string is a sequence of “letters” in the alphabet.

A grammar naturally describes the hierarchical structure of most programming language constructs. For example, an if-else statement in Java can have

if (expression) statement else statement

That is, an if-else statement is the concatenation of the keyword if, an opening parenthesis, an expression, a closing parenthesis, a statement, the keyword else, and another statement. Using the variable expr to denote an expression and the variable stmt to denote a statement, this structuring rule can be expressed as

stmt →if (expr) stmt else stmt

If you start with the rules, you can use them to generate strings that follow the grammar. Strings created this way are called derivations because each is “derived” from the rules of the grammar. In each step, you pick a rule and follow what it tells you to do. Most of the lingo around formal grammars comes from implementing them in this direction. Rules are called productions because they produce strings in the grammar. Each production in a context-free grammar has a head—its name—and a body which describes what it generates. In its pure form, the body is simply a list of symbols. Symbols come in two delectable flavors: A terminal is a letter from the grammar’s alphabet. You can think of it like a literal value. In the syntactic grammar we’re defining, the terminals are individual lexemes—tokens coming from the scanner like ‘if’ or ‘1234’. These are called “terminals”, in the sense of an “end point” because they don’t lead to any further “moves” in the game. You simply produce that one symbol. A nonterminal is a named reference to another rule in the grammar. It means “play that rule and insert whatever it produces here”. In this way, the grammar composes.

To make this concrete, we need a way to write down these production rules. People have been trying to crystallize grammar all the way back to Pāṇini’s Ashtadhyayi, which codified Sanskrit grammar a mere couple thousand years ago. Not much progress happened until John Backus and company needed a notation for specifying ALGOL 58 and came up with Backus-Naur form.

I really liked the explanation of context-free grammar in the book “Crafting Interpreters” by Rob Nystrom. Looking in chapter 4 of the book, he explains that the first step is scanning.

Scanning is a good starting point for us too because the code isn’t very hard—pretty much a switch statement with delusions of grandeur.

A scanner (or lexer) takes the linear stream of characters and chunks them together into a series of something more akin to “words”. In programming languages, each of these words is called a token. Some tokens are single characters, like ( and , . Others may be several characters long, like numbers ( 123 ), string literals ( “hi!” ), and identifiers ( min ). The next step is parsing. This is where our syntax gets a grammar—the ability to compose larger expressions and statements out of smaller parts. A parser takes the flat sequence of tokens and builds a tree structure that mirrors the nested nature of the grammar. These trees have a couple of different names—“parse tree” or “abstract syntax tree”. In practice, language hackers usually call them “syntax trees”, “ASTs”, or often just “trees”. Everything up to this point is considered the front end of the implementation. The back end is where the interpreter actually runs the program. There are a few different ways to do this, but the most common is tree-walk interpreters. To run the program, the interpreter traverses the syntax tree one branch and leaf at a time, evaluating each node as it goes.

Grammar of a Shell

We need to create our grammar. To do so we head to our Bash manual!

Some of the tokens that are of interest to us:

Token Definition
blank A space or tab character.
word A sequence of characters considered as a single unit by the shell. Also known as a token.
name A word consisting only of alphanumeric characters and underscores, and beginning with an alphabetic character or an underscore. Also referred to as an identifier.
metacharacter A character that, when unquoted, separates words. A metacharacter is a space, tab, newline, or one of the following characters: ‘|’, ‘&’, ‘;’, ‘(‘, ‘)’, ‘<’, or ‘>’.
control operator A token that performs a control function. It is a newline or one of the following: ‘||’, ‘&&’, ‘&’, ‘;’, ‘;;’, ‘;&’, ‘;;&’, ‘|’, ‘|&’, ‘(‘, or ‘)’.
operator A sequence of characters considered a single unit by the shell. It is either a word or an operator.
reserved word A word that has a special meaning to the shell. Most reserved words introduce shell flow control constructs, such as loops or conditionals. The reserved words recognized by the shell are: ! case esac do done if elif else fi for in then until while { } time [[ ]]

Also there is the question of priority:

How do we write down a grammar that contains an infinite number of valid strings? We obviously can’t list them all out. Instead, we create a finite set of rules.
This is from the book “Crafting Interpreters” by Bob Nystrom. He explains that a grammar naturally describes the hierarchical structure of most programming language constructs. For example:

Expression Grammar

Grammar of our Shell

This is a good starting point for our grammar. Through reading the shell grammar page (link below) I got a better understanding of how to write the grammar for our shell and came up with the following:

to get the final table
list    	  	-> pipeline (";" | "&" | "&&" | "||") pipeline)* [";"] | ["&"] ["\n"]
					| "(" list ")";
pipeline	 	->  command  (("|" | "|&" | ";" | "&&" | "||" )command)* ;
					| "(" list ")";
command		 	->  simple_command 
					| builtin 
					| DLESS 
					| redirection
					| [time [-p]] [!] expression
					| "(" list ")";

simple_command	-> name (args)* ;
builtin 		-> name (args)* ; 
redirection		-> expression ( "<" | ">" | ">>" | "2>" | "&> | &>> | 2>> | <> | >|") expression; 
DLESS 			-> expression "<<" delimiter newline content delimiter;

delimiter 		-> STRING;
content 		-> MULTIPLE_LINE_TEXT;
flags 			-> FLAGS;

Where DLESS is the heredoc operator, and the other operators are the redirection operators.


Our job is to scan through the list of characters and group them together into the smallest sequences that still represent something. Each of these blobs of characters is called a lexeme. example of lexeme

typedef enum e_tokentype {
	WORD,  // Any sequence of letters, digits, and underscores
	NUMBER, // like 42 42.42 -2 etc 
	PIPE, // | - | and |& have higher precedence than &&, ||, ;, and &. 

	AND_IF, 	// &&
	OR_IF, // || 
} t_tokentype;

More about delimiters here: grammar


cat ("hey")
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('

When not escaped or quoted, parentheses ( and ) in bash have special meanings and are treated as control operators. They cannot be used as part of an argument like a filename.

Their main use is to group arguments that get executed together when parsing the tree, e.g.

(echo "Hello"; echo "World")

would ensure both commands would be executed before the result of the combined commands would be interpreted in the context of other commands and syntax surrounding the parantheses. Parantheses are also used in functions or for arithmetic operations, which we do not implement.

In our shell, parantheses are used to organize association in lists, i.e. which ‘&&’ and ‘||’ operators should be grouped together.

Variable Names

Variables names have stricter rules than command or file names.

They match the regex pattern: [_a-zA-Z][[_0-9a-zA-Z]]*

ex export [_a-zA-Z][[_0-9a-zA-Z]]*=.... so the var name should match the pattern [_a-zA-Z][[_0-9a-zA-Z]]* which means, start with letter or underscore and continue with same but allowing digits.

This is also mentioned in the book crafting interpreters chapter 4.3

Therefore this is not possible:

export 234fsd=fjskld

And then we have an illustrative special case below. The expansion mostly happens in bash before the parsing in the tree (if any in bash).

lbrusa@c3a4c7:/home/lbrusa/DEV/minishell$ export var=HOME        
lbrusa@c3a4c7:/home/lbrusa/DEV/minishell$ unset $var             
lbrusa@c3a4c7:/home/lbrusa/DEV/minishell$ export $var=home/rpriess
lbrusa@c3a4c7:/home/lbrusa/DEV/minishell$ env                     

Allowed Functions

The readline() Function

The readline() function is not a standard C library function, but rather a function provided by the GNU Readline library.

Here’s a basic example:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <readline/readline.h>

int main() {
    char *input;

    input = readline("Enter some text: ");

    if (input != NULL) {
        printf("You entered: %s\n", input);
		add_history(input); // Add the input to the history list
        free(input); // Free the memory allocated by readline

    return 0;

The function requires linking with -lreadline when compiling. Using the add_history() function, we add the input to the history list maintained by Readline. This allows users to recall and edit previously entered command lines using the up and down arrow keys. As we were not allowed to use the history_list() function or the history_get() function we implemented our own history list.

On the mac m1

I could get the readline and add_history functions to work on my mac m1. But to get the rl_clear_history to work I had to switch libraries. Apparently the readline on the mac is not complete. So using brew I installed the GNU readline and linked it to my project in the makefile using the path found with brew --prefix readline which in my system expands to /opt/homebrew/opt/readline/. So my include path and LIBS path look like this:

INCLUDES += -I$(shell brew --prefix readline)/include
LDLIBS += -L$(shell brew --prefix readline)/lib  


The rl_clear_history function is part of the GNU Readline library, and it is used to clear the history list maintained by Readline. The history list typically stores previously entered command lines, allowing users to recall and edit them.

Interactive and Non-Interactive Shells and Scripts

One important aspect to consider when creating a simple shell is whether it is running in interactive mode or non-interactive mode.

In interactive mode, the shell is running in a command line interface and accepts input from the user. This is the mode that most users will be familiar with, and it is important to display a prompt to the user so that they know when the shell is ready to accept input.

In non-interactive mode, the shell is being used to run a script or a batch of commands, and does not accept input from the user. In this mode, there is no need to display a prompt, and the shell should exit once it has executed all the commands in the script.

To check whether the shell is running in interactive mode or non-interactive mode, we can use the isatty() function. This function checks whether a file descriptor refers to a terminal or not. If it returns true, then the shell is running in interactive mode and we should display a prompt. If it returns false, then the shell is running in non-interactive mode and we should not display a prompt.

The Tasks at Hand

Create an Infinite Loop for the Prompt

we can display a prompt to the user. This input can be a single command or multiple commands separated by a semicolon. To read input from the user, we can use the getline function which reads a line of input from the user.

Parsing User Input

we will need to read the input from and split it into tokens. These tokens can then be analyzed to determine the command the user wants to execute and any arguments or options they have provided.

Executing Commands

This involves creating a child process to run the command and using system calls to execute it. To execute the command, we can use the ‘execve()’ function which executes a command by searching for the executable file in the system’s path environment variable. You will also need to handle any errors that may occur during command execution.

Handling the PATH

A path is a list of directories that the shell uses to search for executable files. When a user enters a command in the shell, the shell searches for the corresponding executable file in each directory listed in the path until it finds the executable.

One way to handle paths using a linked list is to create a data structure that stores the directories in the path.

Once we have the linked list of directories, we can use it to search for executable files when a user enters a command in the shell.

Implement Built-In Commands

Builtin commands are special commands that are implemented by the shell itself rather than being external programs. Some common builtin commands include cd, echo, and exit. You will need to implement these commands yourself. Builtin commands such as “cd” or “exit” cannot be executed using the execve() function.

Support Input/Output Redirection

Input/output redirection allows the user to redirect the input or output of a command to a file instead of the screen or keyboard (standard input or output). To implement I/O redirection, we can use the dup2() function to redirect input or output to a file descriptor. Redirection operators in Bash allows the user to manipulate where a command reads its input from and where it writes its output to. Here are some common redirection operators:

  1. > (Output Redirection):
    • Redirects the output of a command to a file.
    • Example: ls > output.txt
    • This command lists the contents of the current directory and writes the output to a file named output.txt.
  2. < (Input Redirection):
    • Takes the input for a command from a file.
    • Example: sort < input.txt
    • This command sorts the lines from the file input.txt.
  3. >> (Append Output):
    • Appends the output of a command to a file (instead of overwriting it).
    • Example: echo "new line" >> output.txt
    • This command appends the text “new line” to the end of the file output.txt.
  4. << (Here Document):
    • Allows you to pass multiple lines of input to a command.
    • Example:
      cat << EOF
      Line 1
      Line 2

      This command uses a here document to pass multiple lines to the cat command.

From the Bash manual:

redirection operators may precede or appear anywhere within a simple command or may follow a command. Redirections are processed in the order they appear, from left to right.

Redirection must be distinguished from “Process substitution”, which “allows a process’ input or output to be referred to using a filename” and takes the form <(list) or >(list), i.e. no spaces between <, > and parenthesis, otherwise it would get interpreted as redirection.

Effectively, the redirection symbols are followed by a filename (or word that is expanded to a file name), which is opened for writing (‘>’), writing and appending (‘»’) or reading (‘<’) and its file descriptor then duplicated to act as stdout (‘>’ and ‘»’) or stdin (‘<’) depending on the redirection. So in a command comprised of several tokens, containing redirection symbols, each redirection token and the token to the right of it are interpreted, opening attempted of the file specified and file descriptor(s) duplicated. The remaining token are then passed on for execution. A fun illustration: echo hello > world here I am In this case stdout is redirected to the file “world”, which is created if does not exist and then the rest of the command is executed. As a result the file world contains the string “hello here I am”.

Support Pipes

To implement pipes, we can use the pipe() function to create a pipe and the fork() function to create a child process for each command.

  1. | (Pipe):
    • Connects the output of one command as the input to another command.
    • Example: ls | grep "pattern"
    • This command lists the files in the current directory and pipes the output to grep to filter lines containing the specified pattern.

this will not needed in our minishell but leaving it here for completeness:

Background Jobs

(not to be implemented in this project)

Background jobs allow a command to be executed in the background, allowing the user to continue working in the shell while the command runs. example:

$ sleep 10 &
[1] 1234

After entering the command follwed by & the shell will display the process id of the background job and the job number.

Error Handling

We distinguish fatal errors that require termination of the minishell (and freeing of all allocated memory …) and errors that are noted to the user while program execution continues. We check the return/exit value of system calls and library functions and store it in our main struct. After the last command is executetd we check the value of this variable and update the environment variable $? with the value. The shell should provide meaningful error messages to the user when a command fails.

Examples of the types of errors that a simple shell may encounter: incorrect command, incorrect number of arguments, permission denied, system call error, signal handling, memory allocation error, failed update of history etc.

An important distinction needs to be made between calls to system functions that fail and errors that are identified within the shell program execution itself (either because of incorrect input syntax by the user or actual malfunctioning program execution).

We aimed to capture all return values from system functions and act upon them. Typically we would write a message to standard error using the perror() function, which appends meaningful error details to a custom message. For example executing cat unknown_file would give an error “no such file or directory”. By calling perror("splash: cat") the full output to standard error would be: splash: cat: no such file or directory, similar to the error messages bash provides.

Errors that are not the direct result of errors in system functions are handled by writing to standard error directly without using perror or strerror.

We created a number of custom error functions to handle the different error cases. This way we could prepend and customize error messages and, e.g. also pass exit status back to the main loop.

Error Handling in C

Using system functions and library in C can be useful to use the functioms like strerror() and perror() to print errors. Most of these functions return a value to indicate success or failure, and set the errno variable to indicate the type of error that occurred. For example the getcwd() function can fail in a few scenarios, and it sets the errno variable to indicate the type of error. Here are some possible error codes:

Here’s an example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>

int main() {
    char buffer[1024];
    if (getcwd(buffer, sizeof(buffer)) == NULL) {
        printf("getcwd() error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
        return 1;
    printf("Current working directory: %s\n", buffer);
    return 0;

strerror(errno) and perror

They are both used to print human-readable error messages, but they are used differently.
strerror(errno) is a function that returns a pointer to a string that describes the error code passed in the argument errno. You can use it with printf to format and print the error message.

printf("getcwd() error: %s\n", strerror(errno));

On the other hand, perror is a function that prints a descriptive error message directly to stderr. The argument you pass to perror is a string that is printed as a prefix to the error message.

perror("getcwd() error");

Error Handling and Error Codes

In Bash, when a command finishes execution, it returns an exit status. The exit status is an integer number. To help identify the type of error, if any, Bash uses specific exit status numbers. Here are some of the most common ones:

These are just a few examples. The exact list can vary between systems. For a more comprehensive list, you can refer to the documentation for your specific system or shell.


errno is a global variable that is set by system calls and some library functions in the event of an error to indicate what went wrong. Its value is significant only when the return value of the call indicated an error (i.e., -1 from most system calls; -1 or NULL from most library functions), and it is overwritten by the next function that fails.

Here are some common errno values:

In the context of the close function, the relevant errno values are:

For a complete list, you can refer to the man page by typing man errno in the terminal or check the official documentation for your system’s C library.

Exit Status of the Last Command.

In Bash, the exit status of the last command is stored in the special variable $?. You can access this variable to see the exit status of the last command that was executed.

echo $?

Memory Management and Memory Leaks

As our shell is written in C we have to handle memory ourselves. Using the system functions malloc() and free() was allowed, the rest was up to us. Generally we aim to free memory as close to its initial allocation as possible. This way we ensure to use available resources efficiently and also facilitate freeing allocated memory upon planned and unplanned program termination. Each execution of the main loop returns to the main prompt of our shell. All memory that was not needed for the previous loop is freed and only those parts of the program still allocated that are needed for each loop (such as the environment variables). When the program is exited (e.g. through the builtin command exit(n)) all still allocated memory is freed. Also, memory is routinely freed in case of the various program errors that may occur to ensure we do not create any memory leaks.

To track memory use on linux we mostly use valgrind:

valgrind ./myprogram

with flags and options as appropriate.

It is a huge project - Test the Shell

I have a suite of tests developed for this purpose. Unit tests can be used to test functions and components of the shell, while integration tests can be used to test the shell as a whole.

The Bonus Part

Your program has to implement:
• && and || with parenthesis for priorities. • Wildcards * should work for the current working directory.

Some examples of using && (logical AND) and || (logical OR) with parentheses for priorities in Bash:

Using && (Logical AND):

  1. Basic && Example:
    command1 && command2
    • If command1 succeeds (returns a zero exit status), then command2 will be executed.
  2. Multiple Commands with &&:
    (command1 && command2) && command3
    • command1 and command2 are executed in sequence. If both succeed, then command3 is executed.
  3. Mixing && and ||:
    (command1 && command2) || command3
    • If command1 and command2 succeed, then command3 will not be executed. If either command1 or command2 fails, then command3 will be executed.

Using || (Logical OR):

  1. Basic || Example:
    command1 || command2
    • If command1 fails (returns a non-zero exit status), then command2 will be executed.
  2. Multiple Commands with ||:
    (command1 || command2) || command3
    • command1 is executed. If it fails, then command2 is executed. If both fail, then command3 is executed.
  3. Mixing && and ||:
    (command1 || command2) && command3
    • If command1 succeeds, then command2 will not be executed, and command3 will be executed. If command1 fails, then command2 is executed, and command3 will not be executed.

Wildcards, such as *, are used for pattern matching in file names. Here are some examples of using wildcards in the current working directory:

  1. List all files in the current directory:
    ls *
    • This command lists all files (and directories) in the current directory.
  2. Remove all text files in the current directory:
    rm *.txt
    • This command removes all files with a .txt extension in the current directory.
  3. Copy all .jpg files to another directory:
    cp *.jpg /path/to/destination/
    • This command copies all files with a .jpg extension to the specified destination directory.
  4. Count the lines in all .log files:
    wc -l *.log
    • This command counts the number of lines in each file with a .log extension in the current directory.
  5. Grep for a specific pattern in all .md files:
    grep "pattern" *.md
    • This command searches for the specified pattern in all files with a .md extension.

These examples demonstrate how wildcards can be used in combination with various commands for file manipulation and processing in the current working directory.


In bash, a delimiter is a character or a set of characters that separates different parts of the command line. The delimiters you’ve listed are a good start, but bash has a few more. Here’s an expanded list:

Space (‘ ‘)
Tab (‘\t’)
Newline (‘\n’)
Semicolon (‘;’)
Pipe (‘|’)
Ampersand (‘&’)
Less than (‘<’)
Greater than (‘>’)
Open parenthesis (‘(‘)
Close parenthesis (‘)’)
Open curly brace (‘{‘)
Close curly brace (‘}’)
Open square bracket (‘[’)
Close square bracket (‘]’)
Dollar sign (‘$’)
Backtick (‘’`)
Double quote (‘”’)
Single quote (‘'’)
Backslash (‘\’)
Equals (‘=’)
Plus (‘+’)
Minus (‘-‘)
Asterisk (‘*’)
Slash (‘/’)
Comma (‘,’)
Exclamation mark (‘!’)
Tilde (‘~’)
Caret (‘^’)
Percent (‘%’)

{} and [] in bash scripts

they have specific meanings:

{}: Curly braces are used in bash for variable expansion (${variable}), brace expansion ({1..10}), and to define blocks of code (like in if statements and functions).

[]: Square brackets are used in bash for array indexing: array[0], and to test conditions: [ $a -lt 10 ] or [[ $a -lt 10 ]].

Here are some examples:

Variable expansion: echo ${variable}
Brace expansion: echo {1..10}

./myscript arg1 arg2 arg3

Inside myscript, $# will be 3, because three arguments were passed to the script and I can access them using $1$2, and $3.

The ^ symbol in bash has a few different uses:

  1. In regular expressions, ^ is used to denote the start of a line. For example, ^abc matches any line that starts with “abc”.
  2. In parameter substitution, ${var^} converts the first character of $var to uppercase.
  3. In parameter substitution, ${var^^} converts all characters of $var to uppercase.
  4. In the tr command, ^ is used to denote a range of characters. For example, tr A-Z a-z converts uppercase letters to lowercase.
  5. In the tr command, ^ is used to complement a set of characters when it’s the first character in a set. For example, tr -d '^0-9' deletes all characters that are not digits.
  6. In the diff command, ^ is used to denote lines that are different between two files.

The <> operator in bash is used for opening a file in read-write mode. Here’s an example:
command <> file

This command will run command, with file opened in read-write mode on standard input.

command 1>>file 2>&1

This command will run command, and append both the stdout and stderr to file. Bash 4 and later shortened to:
command &>>file

The symbols ;;;&, and ;;& cannot be at the beginning of a command line in bash.
These symbols are used in the context of a case statement in bash scripting:


For wildcard expansion, you would typically use the glob function, as I mentioned in the previous response. Here’s how you can modify your code to expand wildcards in the input: For example, if a user types ls .txt, the shell should expand the .txt wildcard to a list of all .txt files in the current directory.

#include <glob.h>

// ...

char *input;
input = readline(" splash 💦 > ");
while (input != NULL)

    glob_t glob_result;
    memset(&glob_result, 0, sizeof(glob_result));

    // Expand wildcards in the input
    if (glob(input, GLOB_TILDE, NULL, &glob_result) == 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < glob_result.gl_pathc; ++i) {
            // Replace the input line with the expanded wildcard
            rl_replace_line(glob_result.gl_pathv[i], 0);
            // Redraw the input line
    } else {
        ft_printf("You entered: %s\n", input);

    input = readline(" splash 💦 > ");


Signals and ISR - Interrupt Service Routine

Signals are used by the operating system to notify a process of various events, such as a segmentation fault or a user interrupt.

The __interrupt and __irq keywords are used in some programming languages and environments to declare interrupt service routines (ISRs). An ISR is a special kind of function that is executed in response to an interrupt signal.
An interrupt is a signal to the processor emitted by hardware or software indicating an event that needs immediate attention. The processor responds by suspending its current activities, saving its state, and executing a function called an interrupt handler (or an interrupt service routine, ISR) to deal with the event. This activity is called “servicing the interrupt.”
The __interrupt or __irq keyword is used to tell the compiler that the declared function is an ISR. This can affect the generated code for the function, as ISRs often need to save and restore more processor state than regular functions, and may need special instructions for returning from the function.

Input Special Characters

In a bash shell, you can input a character in hexadecimal using the format $'\xHH', where HH is the hexadecimal value. For example, $'\x04' represents the character with the ASCII value 4. echo -e “The control character for end of transmission is $'\x04'” In this command, echo -e enables interpretation of backslash escapes, and $'\x04' is replaced by the character with the ASCII value 4.

In C, you can represent a character in hexadecimal by using the \x escape sequence followed by the hexadecimal value. For example, \x04 represents the character with the ASCII value 4. If you want to input a character in hexadecimal in your program, you can simply include it in a string or character literal. For example:

char c = '\x04';
char *s = "\x04";

Expansion in Bash

In bash, expansion refers to the process of replacing a special character or sequence of characters with a value. There are several types of expansion in bash, including:

Expanding with Quotes

(base)  % cat $"HOME"
cat: $HOME: No such file or directory
(base)  % cat $HOME
cat: /Users/laurentb: Is a directory
(base)  % cat $'HOME'
cat: HOME: No such file or directory

Three cases:

Set env Variables

There are to ways to get the environment variables passed down to my program in C:

In a shell, when you set an environment variable, it’s only set for the current shell (the parent process) and any child processes that the shell starts after the variable is set. The environment variable is not passed back to the parent of the shell.

For example, setting environment variables in a script does not affect the environment of the shell where you run the script. The script runs in a child process, and any environment variables it sets are lost when the script exits.

We save the environment in a dynamic array upon launching the minishell.


In the context of shell scripting, single quotes (‘) and double quotes (“) have different behaviors:


The basic redirection operators in bash we will implement are >, <, and >>. These operators allow you to redirect the standard input and output of a command to and from files.
We tokenized them as REDIRECTION_OUT, REDIRECTION_IN, and REDIRECTION_APP respectively.

Some More Advanced Use Cases of Redirections in Bash:

quoting the shell manual:

2.7.2 Redirecting Output
The two general formats for redirecting output are:
where the optional n represents the file descriptor number. If the number is omitted, the redirection shall refer to standard output (file descriptor 1).
Output redirection using the ‘>’ format shall fail if the noclobber option is set (see the description of set -C) and the file named by the expansion of word exists and is a regular file. Otherwise, redirection using the ‘>’ or “>|” formats shall cause the file whose name results from the expansion of word to be created and opened for output on the designated file descriptor, or standard output if none is specified. If the file does not exist, it shall be created; otherwise, it shall be truncated to be an empty file after being opened.

As I read in the manual when we create a file, if we use a file descriptor number then it is created when we create the file (not implemented)


2.7.7 Open File Descriptors for Reading and Writing The redirection operator: [n]<>word shall cause the file whose name is the expansion of word to be opened for both reading and writing on the file descriptor denoted by n, or standard input if n is not specified. If the file does not exist, it shall be created.

(not implemented)

More Examples From the Shell Manual (not implemented)

Open readfile as file descriptor 3 for reading:

exec 3< readfile

Open writefile as file descriptor 4 for writing:

exec 4> writefile

Make file descriptor 5 a copy of file descriptor 0:

exec 5<&0

Close file descriptor 3:

exec 3<&-


(not implemented)

The noclobber option in shell environments (like Bash) is used to prevent accidentally overwriting existing files through redirection. When noclobber is set (using set -o noclobber or set -C), attempting to redirect output to an existing file using the > operator will fail with an error, thus protecting the file from being overwritten.
However, there might be cases where you intentionally want to overwrite a file even when noclobber is set. For this purpose, you can use the >| redirection operator. The >| operator forces the shell to overwrite the target file, effectively bypassing the noclobber setting for that particular redirection command. (not implemented)

Redirections Without a Command

Bash does handle redirections without a command. It’s just that there’s no command to execute, so nothing will be written to/read from the redirections. Regarding this problematic case, DLESSs should (preferably) be handled during or right after parsing. Look at these cases in bash:

case 1 (no syntax error):

<<1 cat | <<2 cat | ( <<3 cat | <<4 cat || <<5 cat | ( <<6 cat ) && <<7 cat ) | <<8 cat <<9 | <<10 cat

case 2 (syntax error):

<<1 cat | <<2 cat | ( <<3 cat | <<4 cat || <<5 cat | ( <<6 cat ) && <<7 cat ) | () <<8 cat <<9 | <<10 cat

case 3 (syntax error):

<<1 cat | <<2 cat | ( <<3 cat | <<4 cat || <<5 cat | ( <<6 cat ) && <<7 cat ) | <<8 () cat <<9 | <<10 cat

case 4 (syntax error):

<<1 cat | <<2 cat | ( <<3 cat | <<4 cat || <<5 cat | ( <<6 cat ) && <<7 cat ) | <<8 cat <<9 () | <<10 cat

In the first case, you can press CTRL+D 10 times, no error, DLESSs are handles left-to-right. In the second case, you’ll get a syntax error as soon as you press enter. In the third case, you can press CTRL+D until DLESS #8 is handled, afterwards you’ll get a syntax error. In the fourth case, you can press CTRL+D until DLESS #9 is handled, afterwards you’ll get a syntax error. Of course, the cat commands could’ve been left out, but i kept them for clarity. Now, of course you don’t have to handle it like bash, but bash shows a good way to handle DLESSs. (edited)

Environmental and Local Variables

In Bash, when you create a variable using the var=”heyhey” syntax, you’re creating a shell variable. Shell variables are only available in the current shell (i.e., the current terminal session). They are not passed to child processes (i.e., commands or scripts that you run from the current shell).

If you want to make a shell variable available to child processes, you need to export it as an environment variable using the export command. For example:

export var

After this, var is an environment variable, and it will be passed to child processes. You can also do this in one line:

export var="heyhey"

To see the difference between shell variables and environment variables, you can run the following commands:

echo $var
bash -c 'echo $var'
export var="heyhey"
bash -c 'echo $var'

The first command will print heyhey, the second will print an empty line, the third will print heyhey, and the fourth will print heyhey. In our shell implementation, you would need to handle these two types of variables separately.

Shell variables can be stored in a local data structure, while environment variables can be stored in the environ global variable or managed using the getenv, setenv, and unsetenv functions.

Traversing an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)

typically involves using a depth-first search. There are three types of depth-first traversals: pre-order, in-order, and post-order.


typedef struct ASTNode {
    char* value;
    struct ASTNode* left;
    struct ASTNode* right;
} ASTNode;

void preOrderTraversal(ASTNode* node) {
    if (node == NULL) {

    // Visit the node (you can replace this with whatever operation you need to perform on the node)
    printf("%s\n", node->value);

    // Recursively traverse the left and right children

You can perform in-order or post-order traversal by changing the order of the operations in this function. For in-order traversal, you would first traverse the left child, then visit the node, then traverse the right child. For post-order traversal, you would first traverse the left child, then the right child, then visit the node.

LL parsing

LL parsing is a type of parsing for context-free grammars. The name “LL” stands for “Left-to-right, Leftmost derivation”, which describes the way the input is consumed and the parse tree is built.

Here’s a breakdown of what “Left-to-right, Leftmost derivation” means:

“Left-to-right” means that the input is read from left to right.

“Leftmost derivation” means that the parse tree is built by expanding the leftmost non-terminal first.

LL parsers are often used for their simplicity and efficiency. They can be used to parse a wide range of programming languages, although they are not powerful enough to parse all of them.


This is the pseudocode for the executor which will start at the root of the AST and recursively execute the commands:

function execute_ast(node):
	if node is a list (&& or ||):
        status = execute_ast(node's left child)
        if (status == 0 and node's operator is AND) 
			or (status != 0 and node's operator is OR):
            	status = execute_ast(node's right child)
    if node is a pipe:
        create a new process with fork()
        if in child process:
            set up the pipe with pipe()
            redirect stdout to write end of pipe with dup2()
            close read end of pipe
            status = execute_ast(node's left child)
            close write end of pipe
            redirect stdin to read end of pipe
            status = execute_ast(node's right child)
	else if node is a builtin:
		status = execute builtin
        status = execute command with fork and execve()
	return status

start with process_node(root of AST)

The Builtins

In a shell, builtins are commands that are built into the shell itself, rather than being external programs. This means that the shell executes builtins directly, without needing to fork and exec an external program. We can check if a command is a builtin like this with the type command in bash shell:

c4c1c1% type exit
exit is a shell builtin
c4c1c1% type cd  
cd is a shell builtin
c4c1c1% type echo
echo is a shell builtin
c4c1c1% type .
. is a shell builtin
c4c1c1% type ls
ls is /usr/bin/ls

The functionality of the builtin commands we implement is summarized below. The functionality is based on original bash functionality (as described in the BASH manual), while reduced in scope.

echo [-n] [arg ...]

(Bash builtin command) Output args separated by spaces and terminated with a newline. With -n option trailing newline is suppressed. Just echo prints a newline. echo -n prints nothTo clarify: should we actually treat the removal/unsetting of functions? How do we identify read-only variables and functions?ing. echo -n "hello" prints hello without a newline. echo -n -nnnn prints nothing.
echo -n -nwhy prints -nwhy. (dont ask me why :) but I think it is since the flag is not recognized as a flag but as a string. Return status is zero (usually since it is hard to fail!).

cd [directory] (with relative or absolute path)

(original Bourne Shell builtin) Used to change the current working directory to another directory. If directory is not specified the HOME shell variable is used. If directory is ‘-‘, it is converted to $OLDPWD before attempting directory change. Successful execution of cd should set PWD to new directory and OLDPWD to the working directory before the change.
The command can fail, if the directory is not existent, if the directory is not a directory, if the directory is not readable, if the directory is not searchable, if the directory is not writable, if the directory is not accessible. Errors are printed to perror or stderr and can be like cd: no such file or directory: /nonexistent or cd: permission denied: /root.
Return status is zero upon success, non-zero otherwise.

pwd (without options)

(original Bourne Shell builtin) Prints the absolute pathname of the current working directory (can contain symbolic links though this may be implementation defined as the normally available options either explicitly prohibit symbolic links (-P) or explicitly allow symbolic links (-L). Return status is zero unless an error is encountered while determining the name of the current directory (or an invalid option is supplied).

export [name[=value]] (without options)

(original Bourne Shell builtin) Without any other options (as in our implementation) name refers to variables. Export allows to pass specified names/variable to be passed to child processes. When no arguments are provided, a list of all variables marked for export is displayed. These are the same as the variables seen when invoking ‘env’, minus the variable for the last command (‘_=’). When a value is provided after name and = the variable is set to value. To note: “All values undergo tilde expansion, parameter and variable expansion, command substitution, arithmetic expansion, and quote removal.” (see 3.4 Shell Parameters in the Bash Manual) Return status is zero unless invalid option is supplied or one of the names is not a valid shell variable name.

unset [name] (without options)

(original Bourne Shell builtin) Removes each variable or function with name. If no options are supplied (as in out case), each name refers to a variable. In bash, if there was no variable by that name, a function with that name, if any, would be unset. Some shell variables lose their special behavior if they are unset. Read-only variables and functions cannot be unset. Return status is zero unless name is read-only or cannot be unset. We implement basic read-only functionality for read-only variables that are typically passed to subprograms (i.e. also to our shell when it is started from another shell, such as bash). We do not implement functions.

env (without options or arguments)

env is not described as a builtin in the BASH manual. The variable $ENV is described related to POSIX variant of invoking shell. Presumably env prints the current environment, i.e. the inherited environment plus any modifications through export and unset. From bash there is a way to start the minishell without any environment variables doing:

env -i ./minishell

In this case the environment will have only the ‘_’ and SHLVL variables. We ensure that our shell retains core core functionality, even with limited available information from the environment (such as the home directory). System commands provided without an absolute path will not get executed as no PATH information is available but builtin commands, such as cd mostly work.

exit [n] (without options)

(original Bourne Shell builtin) The builtin command exit,- as the name implies -, exits the shell. The exit status is of type uint8_t and shall be set to that of the last executed command.
The BASH builtin allows optionally to set the exit status as an argument ([n]) which will be cast to the uint8_t type.

What Could a Dot do?

My scanner has an option for a dot. but is a dot something recognized by the bash shell? lets find out.

bash-3.2$ .
bash: .: filename argument required
.: usage: . filename [arguments]

I asked copilot:
The . command in Bash is a builtin command for sourcing a file. This means it executes the file in the current shell, rather than spawning a new subshell. This is useful when you want to load a script that modifies the environment, such as setting environment variables.

The . command expects a filename as an argument, but it didn’t receive one.

Here’s an example of how to use the . command:

. ./myscript.sh

This will execute the myscript.sh script in the current shell. If myscript.sh sets any environment variables, those variables will be available in the current shell after the script is executed.


Though not required, we decided that our shell should also have a working history and implemented history handling and two history commands: ‘history’, which displays the full command history. This history is persistent across shell invocations. ‘history -c’ clears the history.

Execute a Shell Command

Use fork() to create a new process, and then use execve() in the child process to replace it with a shell that executes the command. Here’s an example:

#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>

int main() {
    pid_t pid = fork();
    if (pid < 0) {
        // Handle error
        return 1;
    } else if (pid == 0) {
        // Child process
        char *argv[] = { "/bin/sh", "-c", "ls -l", NULL };
        execve(argv[0], argv, NULL);

        // If execve returns at all, an error occurred.
        return 1;
    } else {
        // Parent process
        uint8_t status;
        waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
        // The child process has finished executing the command.
    return 0;

We are Allowed to Use one and only one Global Variable

In the subject of the project, it is mentioned that we can use a global variable to track the signals received by the program.
This is useful because signal handlers cannot take arguments, so we need a way to communicate the signal number to the rest of the program. However there is a way to get the exit signal of the childrem processes with the waitpid function. Ex:

uint8_t status;
uint8_t	exit_status;

exit_status = 0;
waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
if (WIFEXITED(status)) /* child exited normally */
	exit_status = WEXITSTATUS(status);
else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) /* child exited on a signal */
	exit_status = WTERMSIG(status) + 128; /* 128 is the offset for signals */
	exit_status = EXIT_FAILURE; /* child exited abnormally (should not happen)*/

... // do something with exit_status

So if the child process exited normally, the exit status will be the return value of the child process. If the child process exited on a signal, the exit status will be the signal number plus 128. Taking SIGINT as example (signal number 2), the exit status will be 130.

Debugging File Descriptors

A student here suggested this shell command to debug file descriptors in our minishell program with the the lsof command: Run the minishell and then in a separate terminal, run the following command:

pid="$(pgrep minishell)"; 2>/dev/null lsof -p $({ echo "${pid}" && pgrep -P "${pid}"; } | paste -sd, -) | grep " [0-9]\+[[:alpha:]] "

Here’s a breakdown:

The output will be like:

minishell 180339 lbrusa    0u   CHR  136,1      0t0        4 /dev/pts/1
minishell 180339 lbrusa    1u   CHR  136,1      0t0        4 /dev/pts/1
minishell 180339 lbrusa    2u   CHR  136,1      0t0        4 /dev/pts/1

In this case, it shows that your minishell process has the terminal /dev/pts/2 open for both input and output.

Some Extra Considerations

See the extra.md file for some extra considerations and more about the evaluation of the project in the evaluation.md file.

The Bash reference manual:
the canonical reference for all things compiler:
Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools (universally known as “the Dragon Book”) .
Another compiler book. There is a nice explanation of creating a AST or syntax tree

Also the web version is freely available:

This is an important concept about grammar:

This is from a programming book - Implement your own shell - GustavoRodriguez-RiveraandJustinEnnen
some blog posts:

Tutorial - Write a Shell in C - Stephen Brennan

this is the posix shell grammar

A very simple approach to start:


test your shell:

the linux man page about pipes:

shell posix standard grammar

token recognition

redirections and pipes http://www.cs.loyola.edu/~jglenn/702/S2005/Examples/dup2.html

more pipes



coding style git:

More about pipes and redirections:
