

I found the official repo of the docker container nginx and I used it to build my own container.


conf file

The Nginx configuration file you provided is generally correct, but it has some areas that could be improved and some assumptions that might not be applicable in all cases. Let’s break it down:


Regarding “http block”:

The term “http block” is a common and informal way to refer to the http {} block in Nginx configuration files. It simply signifies the section where you configure HTTP-related settings, such as virtual servers, locations, and request handling.

conf explanation

I’d be glad to analyze your Dockerfile and Nginx configuration and provide insights for improvement:


Nginx Configuration (nginx.conf):

Test the wordpress container

Go to the wordpress folder and run the following command .

docker build -t wordpress .
docker run -d wordpress
docker ps -a
docker exec -it copiedID /bin/bash

Now, you are inside the container. Run the following command to check if the wordpress files are there. The sleep here is used to give time to the container to download the files.

sleep 30 && ls /var/www/inception/

If you see the wordpress files, it means that all is ok. At the moment we won’t check if the containers is talking with each other because we’ll do it with the compose file. So, exits the container and let’s clean our container test.

docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq) &&  docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq)

reverse proxy nginx - gemini response

You’re right to question the term “reverse proxy” in this specific context!

While Nginx is acting as an intermediary to forward requests, it’s not strictly a “reverse proxy” in the traditional sense for your laurent.com setup.

Here’s why:

More Accurate Terminology:

Key Points:

I apologize for any confusion caused by the incorrect terminology. I’m still under development and learning to be more precise in my explanations.

I hope this clarification helps!